Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Discoveries While Biking on a New Trail

Idyllwild is a destination for mountain bikers who want trails that are strenuous and challenging.This weekend, we wanted a relatively flat trail that would enable us to stop when we wanted to investigate our surroundings - birds, animal tracks, furry tailed mammals.  We headed down the hill to Garner Valley to find this trail.
Fobes Ranch in Garner Valley has dirt paths that meander through wide open land where sagebrush thrives, through meadows where cattle graze and also, through forest of pine trees.
Bluebirds thrive in this habitat. From fence posts they perch until an insect appears on the ground.
           The Western Scrub Jay had the same idea in mind, I'm sure.

We caught glimpses of furry tailed mammals before they ducked into their tunnels or hid in the sagebrush.Too quick for a photo but they were probably California Ground squirrels..Maybe next time I'll get the photo.
                                             This track belongs to one mighty big hound!!
As we rode our bikes through a forest of pine trees, we discovered a flock of blue Pinyon Jays. It wasn't surprising how difficult it was to get a decent photo since their sentinel warned the flock each time we got near.
Their extra long pointed beak enables them to get to their preferred food - pine seeds from the Pinyon Pine.They have extremely good memories being able to find most of the thousands of pine seeds they bury for future consumption.  What they don't east has a chance to become a future tree seedling. Amazing!
                          Discovering a place to ride bikes while investigating Nature is well worth it!