Friday, October 4, 2019

Backyard Oasis

Lesser goldfinch (Spinus psaltria)
Never underestimate the importance of a backyard oasis for wildlife!
Every day, a dozen or more of these beauties start their morning drinking from our backyard dripper. Since they are granivores, they only get about 10% of their water from their diet. Extra water is vital!

Yellow warbler (Setophaga petechia)
The warblers get a lot of water from the insects that they devour but even they appreciate extra water at times. Supplemental water is really important for wildlife especially if you live in spots like we do where there is very little water or high temperatures.
Imagine being able to sit with your food surrounding you on all sides! This chipmunk truly was savoring the berries from the manzanita bush.

Most gardeners consider this little guy a pest but they sure are cute! This pocket gopher surprised me one morning by clearing out his underground tunnels. When he/she finished, the big hole in the ground was filled up with dirt so no one would know where the entrance to his/her home was located. Pretty clever! BTW, if you live with gophers, protect your new plants with gopher cages to prevent them from becoming a feast to this hungry critter. Trust me, it works! 

Planting a native garden and providing water will help turn your backyard into a wildlife oasis!

Photos and content by Robin Roberts
Click on photos to enlarge.