Monday, September 7, 2020

Disappearing Mountains

So, where did our mountains go? They are hidden behind a cloud of smoke caused by the El Dorado fire. Prospective parents, please don't use pyrotechnic devices to announce the gender of your baby!!! It's not worth it! Stick with a cake filled with blue or pink M & M's or whatever clever idea you can come up with! Your child will not want to grow up feeling responsible for a multi-thousand-acre wildfire!

White-headed Woodpecker (Picoides albolarvatus)

How do I cope with the ongoing stress of threatening wildfires? I spend time outdoors watching birds. Trust me, it helps tremendously! Whether it's birds, insects, lizards, or little rodents, go outside for a bit and observe the wildlife in your yard. There are lots of studies that support what I experience. Spending time outdoors helps physically, mentally, and spiritually. (The smoky skies are going to make it hard for us to get out right now.)

Lesser Goldfinch (Spinus psaltria)

You can actually do something helpful while you are observing the birds. Smaller birds like these Lesser Goldfinches are primarily seedeaters which means they rely on supplemental water and places of refuge from the heat during times of drought and extreme heat to survive. Consider putting out a water dish.

Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)

Hummingbirds are on the move. Besides your regular resident Anna's Hummingbirds, look for the migrating hummers that are looking for some nectar from your garden plants or a feeder to help fatten them up on their journey.

Black-chinned Hummingbird (Archilochus alexandri)

The arrival of the Black-chinned hummingbirds and other dislocated Anna's Hummingbirds have put our resident hummer in a tizzy.

I guarantee if you spend at least 20-30 minutes outdoors in the morning observing the activity in your back or front yard, you will experience a drop in your stress level.(However, it might be too difficult with the worsening air quality right now.) When you add doing something concrete like putting out a water dish or hummingbird feeder, it will magnify. 

Our wilderness will be closed to hikers and campers for at least the next week to prevent another disastrous wildfire.  Keep safe everyone!

Click on photos to enlarge.
Photos and content by Robin Roberts.