Thursday, March 21, 2019

Glimpse of Spring

Spring has almost arrived in the mountains but not quite...This Anna's hummingbird found a blooming manzanita bush.
I haven't seen any blooming plants except for a few manzanitas and believe me, they are quite popular. This one plant had lots of Painted Ladies, bees and one protective hummingbird.
So what do you do if you really need to find some spring flowers and feel some heat? If you live in Idyllwild, you drive down the mountain to the desert. Spring is in FULL bloom in the desert! As you can see in this photo, the mountains are full of snow in contrast to the colorful flowers of the desert.
Fishhook Cactus
Parish Poppy
Arizona Lupine and Beavertail Cactus
Black-throated Sparrow
White-lined Sphinx Moth
These are just a few of the beautiful flowers, birds and insects that I found. Thanks to Bruce, our botanist friend who patiently helped me identify the wildflowers!

A week ago, I thought Spring had finally arrived and more blooms would start appearing but this is what we woke up to this morning. From the look of this hummer, I think she is quite ready for Spring as well!

Click on photos to enlarge.
Photos and content by Robin Roberts.