Tuesday, March 5, 2019

From Drought to Deluge at Birding Hotspots

Let's take a look at some of the local birding hotspots that have changed dramatically in the last month.
Let's start at Lake Hemet. The view here is absolutely gorgeous, right? Up until a month ago, this water was a meadow.
Looks like a nice place to watch the birds from this bench. The shoreline used to be about 10 feet down.

Fortunately, only a few buildings, picnic tables and signs are submerged.

If you have been birding at Lake Hemet, you know this is the spot you normally stand to look for the nesting Bald Eagles. The lake has now covered the entire meadow that goes beyond the fence. The Canada Geese that were hanging out here found a new meadow to hang out across the street in Garner Valley Ranch land.
Most of the flooding into Lake Hemet is from nearby Hurkey Creek. For as long as we have lived here, Hurkey Creek was misnamed since it was a tiny trickle rather than a creek. Today, we decided to check out Apple Canyon Road and Hurkey Creek campground. We didn't get very far on the road since it is now flooded by an overflowing Hurkey Creek (River). If you have been here before, you know that this is an amazing sight!
Inside the campground are newly installed signs for good reason. Imagine this huge river being converted from a tiny creek that you could hop over!
Here is another view of Hurkey Creek (River). This campground was miraculously saved by the firefighters during the Cranston Fire. A scarred landscape surrounds it.
Further up the mountain into Idyllwild, we found this Brown Creeper resting on a tree at the Nature Center which is another local birding hotspot.
I've seen plenty of dry river beds over the last 6 years so it is a welcome sight to see creeks and waterfalls flowing again. This is one of the creeks now flowing at the Nature Center.
This video is taken at the County Park, another favorite place for birders. I have imagined a waterfall flowing through here but I've never seen one until yesterday.
So what do the birds think of all this water?
Not sure, but from the looks of things, life is going on!

Click on photos to enlarge.
Photos and content by Robin Roberts.