Thursday, March 10, 2016

Chasing A Checkerspot

Thanks once again to the generosity of friends showing us new places, we were introduced to a new place to hike. This trail hugs a canyon until it descends to the South Fork creek flowing at the bottom.

Although the sound of water flowing at the bottom of the canyon was quite inviting, I never made it that far.

Once again, the unexpected surprise occurred. This time it wasn't a gnome in a tree. Instead, it was the sighting of a new butterfly. This beautifully patterned butterfly is the Variable Checkerspot, Euphydryas chalcedona. 

It looks quite similar to the endangered Quino Checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas editha quino, but there are subtle differences between the two of them. Just like in bird identification, the details are important.
I love this pose! Notice the fine hairs on its body. I doubt I'll ever be able to "capture" this view again.