Sunday, March 6, 2016

A Trail Out West

Hiking a newly discovered trail is exciting! Although you know the distance and elevation gain, there are still lots of surprises ahead!

Out west, it's not uncommon to discover your trail passes through cattle country. How do you know? Closed gates that creak when you open them and cow patties are undeniable clues.

Where ever I go, binoculars and a camera are around my neck. You never know what you may encounter. Early one morning on Cedar Springs trail, a California Towee perched high on a bush and sang it's simple song. Since I have never seen it sing, it was pretty exciting. I also heard a pair of  Western Meadowlarks singing flute- like songs back and forth across a meadow. This bird has captivated me ever since we arrived here!

The 2 1/2 mile hike up Cedar Springs to the PCT was full of Yuccas that had bloomed previously. They towered along the slopes next to fresh green Yuccas and Prickly Pear Cactus yet to bloom.
I wish I had a geologist on trails like this one to learn more about the rocks full of varying colors and sparkles.
When the trail intersects with the PCT, the views are spectacular! This section of the PCT is along the Desert Divide. The Salton Sea and Coachella Valley are seen on the eastern side while the San Jacinto Mountains can be seen to the north.
Future PCT hikers, enjoy!
Thanks Rick for sharing some of your photos!