Sunday, October 25, 2015

Quirky, Unique, Fun and Memorable

Green Anole

Before returning to life in the mountains, I want to linger abit longer on those moments and images that were quirky, unique, fun and beautiful. They were all memorable.

Starting with quirky...Halloween decorations can be found everywhere but I doubt I'll see these on the mountain. Quirky is here, too. Yesterday, I had a chance to dance with a lively pirate skeleton.
Unique...No hurricane signs up here on the mt. When I stood next to this sign, my head went just past Category 1.
It gives you a healthy respect for potential destruction from the surge of water during a hurricane.

For all of our friends who showed up to the Oyster roast, thanks! Although I still don't eat oysters, I now know how they are roasted over an open fire as well as how to use these beautiful tools forged by our talented friend, Tom. Anyone requesting an order, I'll pass it on.

I love to "collect" random signs and artwork along the way.

Fun and beautiful....Paddling along the reflective water of Ebeneezer Creek with my pal, Cathy, was amazing. Since the water level was high, we were able to paddle through the swollen Tupelo and Cypress trees which make this river swamp their home.

Seeing over 40 migrating Monarch butterflies in one area was a first for me. Quite beautiful to see!
Great Blue Heron
Black Skimmer

American Oystercatcher

 These are a few of the magnificent colorful shorebirds with quite impressive beaks!
Great Blue Heron Tracks
To all our friends and family on the east coast, thanks for making our vacation special and memorable! To our friends on the west coast, thanks for welcoming us to our new home!