Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hiking in a Desert Canyon

Hiking in a desert canyon is a unique experience.

At first glance, all you see are boulders, sand and perhaps, some colorful blooming cactus or other desert plants.
If you are looking for wildlife, however, it takes a lot of patience and good fortune for being at the right spot at the right time.
Our goal on this hike was to see some lizards that live in the desert. With a lot of searching, we were able to see a couple of neat looking lizards. Although the Side-blotched lizard is the most common lizard in the desert, I think he is pretty special with his bluish spots.
We discovered the Zebra-tailed Lizard when it zoomed by us on its back legs at top speed. We didn't realize it was a lizard at first because it appeared to be flying like an insect. It paused long enough for a quick photo.
The Banded Rock Lizard is a master at camouflage as you can see from this photo. We were able to spot him by slight movement as he ventured about on his steep rocks.
 To see Bighorn Sheep on a ridge and then watch them descend from their outcropping is truly spectacular!

We felt quite blessed to see not just one but four of these magnificent animals come off the mountain to eat and drink while we quietly sat on a boulder and watched in awe.
Our encounter with them was brief but our memories will last for a long time. They returned to the ridge after meeting their immediate needs.
 In every walk in Nature one receives far more than he seeks.
- John Muir