Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Birding After the Rain

 The weekend was full of grey clouds and rain. The prediction included snow but it wasn't quite cold enough for snowflakes. We were quite happy at least to get rain! We have too many days of perfect blue skies.
We started our first fire of the season in our wood burning stove this weekend. Fall has officially started for us.
After the rain, I went back back to birding. 
Usually, when I see a Red-tailed hawk, it is soaring high in the sky. Sometimes, I get a longer view if it perches on a tall tree or pole.

The other day, I not only saw it perch but I watched it devour a critter. After finishing his meal, he called out his distinct sound which is heard in classic cowboy movies. What a moment!
 The lighting was perfect to show off the vibrant blue feathers of the Western Bluebird. I had hoped for a full view but it hopped off under the bush without showing his face.

 I didn't realize that the Great Basin Sage was a yummy food source until I saw 8 Lesser Finches and numerous White-crowned Sparrows gorging themselves in front of me. This sparrow landed above my head and sang a beautiful song which surprised me since he was far away from his breeding ground and it wasn't Spring, it is Fall.

Fall is a great time to see birds that pass through Lake Hemet on their way to places like the Salton Sea. The Snow Geese, Great Egret and Pied-billed Grebe recently showed up at the lake.
 I overlook the Oregon Junco probably because I see them so frequently. On this day, I was captivated by how the Junco's colors coordinated with the California Buckwheat perfectly.
Lastly, the chipmunks have been quite busy transporting seed in their bulging cheeks to their hideaways. I smiled when I saw this one sitting on our colorful mushrooms. I will miss these little guys when winter comes and they are hidden away underground.