Sunday, July 21, 2013

Welcome Home

This is the beautiful view from Garner Valley that greeted us on our return home to Idyllwild.
Instead of smoke clouds, the mountains were surrounded in rain clouds. Considering it hasn't rained since May and that was negligible, we believe prayers were answered in minimizing this devastating fire.We are quite grateful for the tireless efforts of all the firefighters that prevented the fire from entering Idyllwild.
Another great sign, seeing parked wildfire fighting helicopters. When we evacuated, the sky was full of aircraft. Today we didn't see one overhead aircraft.
Only residents were allowed to enter Idyllwild this afternoon. This was the proof of our residence so we could return.When the sheriff's office gave us this pass, they greeted us with "Welcome Home". It brought tears to both of our eyes. Sincere, kind words were given from a caring stranger.
 These were a few of the reminders of the fire that almost destroyed Idyllwild as we entered town.
I was surprised to see this once green pine tree with white pine needles.
Another sight going home, trees surrounded by life giving rain clouds.
Besides worrying about the firefighters, my biggest heartache when leaving this fire stricken wilderness was the impact it would have on the wildlife. As a few of you know, I cried for all the voiceless victims of this fire this week.

When we returned home, our front stairs and porch were covered in blackened embers that fell from the sky while we were gone, along with a blackened bird. Quite disturbing! Before unpacking, the first thing I did upon arrival was refill our water fountain, refill the birdfeeder and hummingbird feeder to help these creatures. My heart was lifted abit when the territorial male Anna's Hummingbird returned to defend his feeder from another hummingbird. There is hope.
We will do all we can to be a part of restoring this part of the wilderness for our dear grandson, Owen.
He was our great distraction during our time while we had to evacuate from this beautiful part of the world.His t-shirt has his future hiking boots and tent on the front...not sure about the campfire on the sleeve.
Happily, I can say Idyllwild still exists as does our humble look out tower on top of this ridge.
Thanks to all our dear friends, family and strangers who sent love and prayers our way this past week.