Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Exploring Beautiful Places in Sweden - Part 2

Planes, trains, ferries and cars...we used them all. Our friends made sure we didn't miss any of the important ones. I found myself mesmerized in front of this display in the Stockholm train station. If it makes you feel dizzy, please go on to the next photos. I'm getting a bit dizzy myself.
Before entering the busy city, we were immersed in the beautiful countryside full of estates and farmland.

Weathervanes are a good indicator of where you are located. A hunter with his dog and the beloved red-haired Pippi Longstocking from the famous children's stories were two that caught my eye.

If you are a fan of Downtown Abbey, you have the opportunity to stop at once private estates that are now open to the public for tours. A royal castle is also open in this area. 

We easily could have stayed in this beautiful, tranquil spot for a long time!
I awoke to the trumpeting of two common cranes, Grus grus. They certainly weren't common to me. We could hear the echoing of their calls far in the distance. We followed the calls until we found them in a huge meadow together. Magical moment!
Our next stop was the archipelago. What an amazing part of the country! Hundreds of islands of different sizes line the coast. Some are inhabited whiles others are preserved in their natural state. The one we visited had large areas of undeveloped land favoring wildlife.

Exploring by boat is a great way to get a sense of this unique place.

The other is to walk along the quiet trails and explore the countryside.
I discovered this family of whooper swans, Cygnus cygnus, on a quiet little pond. Their gentle, graceful movements were in sync with one another. 

Fields of flowers led me to a huge flock of European goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis. Check out the red face of the male. Quite striking!

This little white puffball with a long tail is called a long-tailed tit, Aegithalos caudatus. They showed up in a small flock calling quietly like bushtits,Psaltriparus minimus, of the west. I loved this cute little bird.

Sharing these special places with friends has created memories that will last forever. Our next stop in this journey is Gotland, the island full of rich ancient history. By the way, can you guess what the above 2 photos are? Next time...

Click on photos to enlarge.
Photos and comments by Robin Roberts.