Monday, February 4, 2019

A Moment of Stillness

We are a people constantly on the move. If we aren't physically moving, working or studying, many of us are using our devices to keep connected to the world rather than being in the world. While we are in a state of constant movement and distraction, we miss those special fleeting moments. Take a moment to be still.
Reminders of the Cranston Fire in July, 2018 are still all around us. On this day, clouds engulfed our burnt forest and for the first time, the misty fog created a beautiful site.
Our current melting snow and rainfall in Southern California are filling creeks and creating rarely seen waterfalls.

 This waterfall itself was enough to bring a smile but the rainbow and ladybugs were the"icing" on my cake.

My final reflection on stillness comes from the pristine white beach in the gulf. These little puffballs called Sanderlings not only brought a smile but a giggle as well.

Take a moment of stillness in Nature. You will be glad you did!
You may even find that you are so inspired that you pull out some colored pencils or paints to capture what you see.

Photos and content by Robin Roberts.
Click on photos to enlarge.