Thursday, April 12, 2018

A Trip to Ballestas Island to Find a Penguin

Driving in and around Lima is extremely intense! I could do a whole blog on that experience but I don't plan on it. This little rest stop was such a welcome place on the way between the desert town of Huancachina and the ocean town of  Paracas. The food is excellent, music is great and the bathrooms were superb! As I said before, traveling around Lima is intense so when you can find all of the previously mentioned things that you may take for granted, double thumbs up!!!
In Paracas, you can stay at nice hotel before embarking over to Ballestas Island where seabirds and sea lions flourish.
Gray-hooded Gull

Peruvian Pelican
Ruddy Turnstone
American Oystercatcher
Before setting out on our boat, I checked the shores out for new and familiar shorebirds.
The first unusual sight to see is this mysterious carving in the dunes which has been there for hundreds of years. Since it never rains here, it hasn't disappeared. 
Birds and wildlife rarely get their own beautiful spot to live but here they claim the rocks in the ocean.
Peruvian Booby
Inca Tern
Sea Lion
Thousands of Peruvian Boobies, Guanay Cormorants and hundreds of Inca Terns are found all over these protected rocks. Sea Lions and their pups are along the shores or sunning themselves on the edges.

The star of the island has to be these cute little Humboldt Penguins!
We only saw a handful of them. More were probably hidden from sight in on the island or in the sea fishing.
Farewell, Peru. I hope to return one day.

Click on photos to enlarge.
Photos and content by Robin Roberts.