Thursday, October 5, 2017

Hidden Gems off El Camino Sierra

Our long awaited camping trip to this beautiful part of the state, the Eastern Sierra Mts, was cut short. When we watched our tents collapsing under the strong winds and learned that an unexpected drop in temperatures with rain/snow was approaching for the upcoming days, we opted to bail out early.
Sometimes, unexpected welcome surprises come when you have to go to Plan B or C. We didn't have a Plan B until we watched our tents collapsing but finally, we decided to head south to avoid the early snow. When we arrived in Independence, we had the great fortune to see at least 150 White Pelicans heading south against the back drop of these beautiful mountains.
 I've written about our friends at Winnedumah Hotel many times. Once again, they didn't let us down! This time, Frank, one of the owners, knowing of our disappointment at canceling our camping trip, generously volunteered to show us a local fishing hole since he knew we were birders.
Billy's Pond is one of the kazillian hidden gems off of El Camino Sierra, Hwy 395.
There weren't a lot of birds but we did see a couple of Pied-billed Grebes. One of which wrestled a red crustacean successfully.

The dirt road leading to the pond was an adventure itself. Evidently, mining was big in Mazourka Canyon in the past so there are lots of abandoned mines. Exploring this endless road will be an adventure for another trip.
Not a lot of birds on this road, however, we found this Sage Thrasher. It took a lot of patience and perseverance to get this shot!
As we were leaving this special spot, a lizard ran at top speed across the road. Being in a new territory, odds are it was a new lizard for us. We stopped the car and started searching for the mystery reptile. 
Luck was once again on our side. I spotted this perfectly camouflaged lizard as it lay motionless in the sand.
With the help of our friend who is a lizard expert, this is a Long-nosed Leopard Lizard. When breeding, the females get impressive orange spots on their bodies! Wow!
Like lots of journeys in life, our trip wasn't what we planned but it was filled with unexpected welcome surprises.

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees." John Muir

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Photos and content by Robin Roberts