Monday, August 28, 2017

Hummingbirds Galore!

The hummingbirds have arrived! All Summer, we have had a handful of beautiful Anna's Hummingbirds guarding our 2 feeders and visiting our flowers. This past week, our population has grown to about 30!! Also, we now have 5 feeders to accommodate our growing visitors.

 Besides the common Anna's hummers, we have a couple of migrating Black-chinned and Rufous Hummingbirds that are quite determined to be "top dog" while they are in town.

Our neighbor gave us a hand held feeder to try out. What an amazing experience to feel the delicate feet on your finger and to feel the strong wind current from their mighty wingbeats!! Before landing, they come right up to your face with their impressive beaks deciding if they want to accept your offering. It's quite intimidating when these long pointed beaks are within inches of your eyes!!!
Our friend, Kurt, in Palm Desert still tops this with the 50 plus Costa's Hummingbirds that hung out at his house but it sure is the most hummers that we have ever had visiting us! With this many birds, the feeders get washed and refilled a couple of times a day! I assume they are all fattening up getting ready for their journey south within the next week or so. It's an honor to have them take residence with us for a short time before their big journey.

Click on photos to enlarge.
Photos and content by Robin Roberts.