Saturday, March 18, 2017

From Mountain Springs to the Blooming Desert

Welcome Spring! These days are FANTASTIC!
 Thanks to an abundance of rain and snow this winter, the mountain's thirst has been quenched. Underground springs have appeared, temporary rivers have flowed through the valley and a few majestic waterfalls are roaring over boulders. We are continually surprised by flowing water in unexpected places. 
There are only a few blooming flowers above 5,000 feet.
To see the most talked about wildflower show, head to the desert for the super bloom.
Like lots of other people hoping for a colorful show in the desert, we headed down for the wildflowers and whatever other desert surprises that might come our way.

Our first night camping in the desert, we heard an unfamiliar sound in the desert - croaking frogs!
We found a party going on in a nearby oasis. The frogs exuberant singing filled the night air. Listening to a frog chorus is a great way to go to sleep.
Once the sun came up, we, like others,  were astounded by the beautiful shades of yellow, orange, purple, green, pink and white that covered the desert floor.
American Wigeon
Wood Duck
Besides beautiful flowers, we found some beautiful ducks that had made a pond in the desert their winter home. Soon, they will be heading north.
Early Spring in the desert is the time to see migrating birds. The biggest spectacle in town are the Swainson's hawks. We were lucky to see a kettle over a hundred but today there were thousands that passed through the desert. Go to  for updates.
The Gambel's Quail and Rock Wren  are a few of the residents who won't leave town when the temperatures rise.

Being in a drought for the last 4-5 years has made this Spring an extra special event! It's a great time to go exploring!!!