Wednesday, November 11, 2015

An Early Wintry Blast

Winter is coming! Although it doesn't officially begin for another month, we have had 2 wintry blasts in the high country covering the upper most peaks with snow in the last couple of weeks.
Last weekend, we hiked to the Fire Lookout Tower dodging snow bombs and ice chunks along the way.

The resilience of the little resident birds always amazes me. It was great to see the little Pygmy nuthatches survive a brutal night of freezing cold temperatures and strong 35 mph winds. I have come to learn that the Limber Pine tree with its nut filled cones provide vital food for lots of birds! Last time I was at the tower, I captured a Clark's Nutcracker eating out of the same tree.
Down in Lake Hemet, the migrating birds have been stopping by for fresh water, seeds, berries or fish.
 The last couple of days, I saw over 40 American Robins hanging out together. They took advantage of fresh water puddles for cleaning their feathers and yummy berries to fill their bellies for the flight ahead. When twenty of these orange puff balls filled a bush, it became an early Christmas tree.
As for us, we have started building fires at night and eating lots of warm soups!