Monday, June 23, 2014

Chasing Mountain Quail Chicks

Watching the parents of Mountain Quail chicks keep up with their fuzzy offspring has been amazing. Knowing all the dangers that exist for them adds to the suspense each time they show up in our backyard.
Their coordination increases each time I see them. In a few weeks time, they can walk/run without a sibling's foot landing on their head.
They are getting braver which might not be a good trait. I watched this family resting under a nearby bush. The chicks had their eyes closed apparently getting a quick nap. Soon the parents were closing their eyes as well.
Hunger overtook caution when they aroused from their short nap. The chicks emerged one by one before the adults. Parents soon followed. No nap time for them!
It takes two to parent these vulnerable chicks. While one is the vigilant lookout, the other eats and drinks. I can't help getting tense myself watching them especially since I know that bobcats, coyotes, ravens, hawks and rattlesnakes share these woods.
Survival includes not being in the open or in one spot too long. The visits with us our short. Today after they had their fill of food and water, I watched one of the parents lead the way while the trailing parent chased the chicks from one hiding spot to another up the hill. Whew! Another day in the life of the Mountain Quail family.