Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Springtime in the Mountains

Wildflowers are blooming; migrant songbirds are passing through on their way north while others have arrived for the summer; butterflies are starting to appear; and lizards and snakes can be seen sunning themselves.

 The weather, however, is quite unpredictable. In two weeks, we had snow, warm weather, Santa Ana winds and more freezing weather. Our mild winter seems reluctant to leave.
Our latest snowfall was confined to the higher elevations. By the end of the week, warm weather will return and all the snow will be melted.
The Snow plant marks the transitional time in Spring. Typically, it emerges after the last snowfall.
Migration may be slowed by changes in the weather but it continues along. Yesterday, I saw this female Townsend's Warbler for a brief moment. She winters in Mexico or Central America and summers in the Pacific Northwest. She has a long journey ahead.
Today I saw this bright Yellow Warbler...appropriately named. It is the first of the season for me. Warblers don't hang around for photos so I was lucky to get a photo of him as well.
It's really fun to see returning birds. Last summer I saw a Lark Sparrow nesting hidden from sight under a sage bush. On this day, he was perched high in the tree calling for a mate.
Speaking of nesting...I discovered the tail of a Steller's Jay hidden in a nest within the Wysteria bush under our porch. She has been practically motionless for about a week. I'll keep an eye on her and her chicks....

 Surprise of the day..Two redheads in the same tree. I've grown accustomed to seeing the dominant male Anna's Hummingbird perched at the top of a nearby tree. Today, he was rejoined by this absolutely beautiful Red-breasted Sapsucker. I haven't seen him since last summer. Welcome Back!
Wherever you live, I hope you are able to enjoy the simple beauty that surrounds you.