Saturday, September 7, 2013

Perched in a Tree

Whenever I go for a hike, I bring binoculars and a camera. Well, almost all the time. I missed "capturing" a majestic Bald Eagle soaring over this lake because I had put my camera in the car minutes before the show.
Since that day, I have remembered both binoculars and camera and one of my surprises was to see this Great Blue Heron in a tree rather than along the shoreline where it is usually seen.
The Turkey Vulture is another bird that isn't usually in the tree. It is usually seen soaring in the sky.
The Ground Squirrel is unlike most squirrels because it burrows in the ground and is usually seen scurrying about on the ground. Today it was in this tree eating berries.Yum!
Migration is going on now. One of the groups of birds that migrate are warblers. They are incredibly frustrating for birders because they all look similar in the Fall and they flit about on branches constantly. I was quite lucky to get a photo of this Orange-crowned warbler enjoying berries.
Thankfully, there are birds like this Western Bluebird who are oblivious to birders. He was more interested in catching his next meal and sat patiently while I focused and refocused my camera.

 Back to the trees...this Sugar Pine is one of the trees that stands out in Idyllwild. The Sugar Pine is the tallest pine tree in the world with the longest pine cones between 12 - 18 inches long. This was one of John Muir's favorite trees. He wrote the Sugar Pine was "the noblest pine yet discovered,surpassing all others not merely in size but also in kingly beauty and majesty."
The Mountain Chickadee enjoyed feasting on pine nuts from this cone.
Keep your eye on the trees. You may be surprised at what you see.