Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Beetles, Oaks and Acorn Woodpeckers

Earlier in the summer, Idyllwild hosted its annual 5k/10k run. The money raised went to the local elementary school. This year the committee wanted to raise awareness of the new challenge facing the oak trees.
This past year, a few oak trees died as a result of the non native Goldspotted Oak Borer beetle. Research is being done for the treatment of trees when they are infested. For now, the best option is prevention.
Although this beetle has devastated thousands of oak trees in San Diego county, this was the first year that it was discovered in Idyllwild. It was probably transported by way of infested oak firewood . Therefore, new signs warning against the transport of oak firewood are seen throughout the town.
Many birds and mammals would be impacted if the oak trees continue to die from this beetle.For one, the Acorn Woodpecker would be greatly impacted.
 These gregarious, social birds will store up to thousands of acorns in a single tree during the fall. Then, they will collectively defend their "granary" tree against potential thieves.I've noticed that their "granary" tree is usually a pine tree that is located next to an oak tree. Quite convenient!
 This photo was taken in early spring as the new leaves were beginning to open. When fall arrives, the mountains will be painted with the color of the Black oak trees. It will be a welcome sight.