Sunday, March 10, 2013

Snowy Days Return and End with a Rumble

Two days before the snow began to fall, the clouds started moving in.
So did the snow plows! It was amazing to see one after another climb up the mountain road anticipating a big storm. They parked on the side of the road ready for action.
Hiking into town while the snow is falling is magical. Mostly, it is a quiet time.

However, when the earth rumbles, it's time to jump out of the way! As we learned today (Mar 11), it could be a snowplow coming down the road or it could be an earthquake!
This is a view from a nearby lake.
This is a nearby creek, home to an endangered frog - Mountain Yellow-legged Frog
And finally, this is the Mountain Quail who couldn't figure out how to get into our backyard with all of the other quail. The snow had filled up the gap under the fence. It kept cooing to its pals. The others flew over the fence. I opened the gate for this one.