Friday, January 18, 2013

Yikes! Busted Waterpipe!

Record low temperatures hit Idyllwild last week and with it pipes were bursting across town.
I went outside after hearing mysterious running water and discovered a "waterfall" flowing down
the side of the house! A frozen pipe burst! The 2 plumbers in town were swamped with calls.
For those of you who have been without water, you know how much you rely on precious water.
Luckily, I had 4 jugs of water for an unexpected emergency but it goes fast. Since we had 2 inches of
snow left on the ground, I tried melting snow on the stove to flush the toilets. Seemed like a good idea
at the time.However, it took 8 jugs of snow to fill a pot with melted water. It takes 2 pots to flush
a toilet. 16 jugs of snow per toilet per flush. Wow! That is a lot of work! Yeah for the arrival of the
plumber! Lesson for all - Buy jugs of water for whatever emergency may occur in the future!!