Sunday, November 29, 2015

Weekend of Thanksgiving Surprises

Beautiful snow covered the highest mountains overlooking Idyllwild on Thanksgiving this year. It was a welcome sight!
A great way to neutralize the effects of the feast was to go on a hike to see the snowy transformation.

The snow didn't last long. As it melted, puddles were created in depressions in the boulders. Today, a flock of 25 Western Bluebirds found these newly created watering holes.
The biggest surprise was having a gorgeous bobcat peer in our window while we were preparing breakfast! That is a first!
In less than a minute, it was on his way. Whew! I barely caught the moment.
Our friend, Dave, "captured" this magnificent buck as it passed his window this morning. Incredible!
Remember to keep your eyes open and pay attention. You never know when something extraordinary is about to happen!