Sunday, November 8, 2015

Fireball in the Sky

Twenty-four hours ago, we were high on a mountain over a hundred  miles away from the Pacific Ocean when we saw a fire ball rising up into the sky. By the time I got my camera, the fireball exploded and this is what I first captured.

 As the fireball shrunk in size, a couple of huge white circles with a growing blue center appeared. The photos are blurry but it gives you a sense of the spectacle we witnessed.
Eventually, the blue phase predominated as the fire ball and white circle of light disappeared. We immediately called our friends and family to see who else witnessed this event. Was it a Taurid Meteor show? A friend contemplated some aliens were leaving Earth. Was it a military weapon?
As we all know now, we witnessed a test Trident 11 (D5) missile sent up into the sky from a ballistic missile submarine off the coast of Southern California. I wish it was a fantastic meteor show instead.