Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hidden From Sight

Most wildlife is hidden from sight. Sometimes you get lucky or someone else fills you in on what they have discovered and you see something totally amazing. This page has a few special photos from what I witnessed recently.
This Great Horned Owl was awoken by a group of admirers including me.He was in a tree near a cage where a  female owl  was being rehabilitated. She had two chicks in the cage with her. Not sure how that all transpired but he was hanging around keeping close. He gave us some great hoots even though it was the middle of the day. I'm sure
he was happy when the humans with binoculars left so he could go back to sleep.
It definitely was special to see this Red-Tailed Hawk with a white fuzzy headed chick in the nest.
What a surprise when the little chick stood on the edge of the nest. It was a lot bigger than I expected!
Mule Deer try to keep out of sight but sometimes I get lucky and unexpectedly encounter them on a hike.This one was trying to "hide" behind the boulder today.
This little critter showed up in our driveway this week. It didn't seem to quite know what to do in the bright sun. It walked around in circles not aware of my presence. It's eyes were tiny and its pouches were full of birdseed. I was told it was a Pocket Gopher. One of those that spends most of his time underground, hidden from sight.
How often do you get to see a bat hanging upside down? Not often!This was the first time I have seen a resting bat.It is called a Hoary bat. I've been told that it is quite uncommon to see this bat. It  flew over a little pond catching insects for a bit before returning to his upside down position on the tree branch.It was probably mixed up on what time of day it was like the gopher. Wow!

We are all surrounded by pretty amazing wildlife. We just need to keep our eyes and ears open. And sometimes, we will get extra lucky and see something quite unique.