Thursday, November 12, 2020

A Surprise Visitor with a Bushy Tail

When I looked out to the backyard today to see what birds were at the feeders, I found empty feeders and one mighty fine looking grey fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus).

What a great surprise! These nocturnal/crepuscular critters are not seen very often during the day!

I did a little research and discovered that they are unique in North American canids (canine family) for being able to climb trees! It comes in handy when escaping danger or looking for food. As for meals, they are omnivores. They will happily devour a little rodent, rabbit, bird as well as vegetarian fare such as berries and acorns. 

Keep your eyes open! You never know what special creature you may encounter! Cheers to wildlife!

Click on photos to enlarge.

Photos and content by Robin Roberts.

More information on Grey Fox