Sunday, August 6, 2017

Mini Mountain Oasis

A desert oasis with palm trees and water is a  magnet for migrating birds. During migration, you never know who may show up....
I'm hoping my new cobalt blue bird bath and dripper will become a mini mountain oasis for the migrants this year. After placing this inviting dish in our yard, birds eyed it suspiciously. Some did "flybys" but no one partaked. We had a bet which brave bird would be the first to actually drink. I thought it would be the Mountain Chickadee.
The Steller's Jay was the first to drink the water but it gathered drops that fell UNDER the dish from the safety of the ground.
The Lesser Goldfinch was the first to actually land on the dish and drink.
One preferred going straight to the source.
While those birds drank, others were enjoying the seeds from a White Sage that had stopped blooming. Sure is great to see birds go to native plants that you put into the ground!

Our mini mountain oasis is becoming a reality. A pair of beautiful Bulloch's Orioles showed up quite unexpectedly.They have never visited our yard ! They are in our mountains for summer breeding and then, they head south for the winter. I wonder what other winged visitors will be passing through....I'll let you know! Migration will be starting soon.

Click on photos to enlarge.
Photos and content by Robin Roberts.