Thursday, March 10, 2016

Quirky and Fun Sights on a Winter Day

 Part of the joy in being outdoors is the discovery of unexpected surprises.
For me, I'm always on the lookout for bird sightings, beautiful landscapes, cool looking lizards, snakes, butterflies, dragonflies and furry mammals. Today was different. I found my first tree perched gnome!

I also found a uniquely painted mailbox in a town where mail is not delivered to your home...

 a troika miles away from Russia...

and an ad for Garrison Keillor's yummy Powder Milk Biscuits far from Minnesota.

The Springlike weather was replaced by winter. With the snow came a few feathered surprises.

A flock of Cassin's Finches intermingled with House Finches showed up at our feeders. They're usually seen up in the higher elevations and much harder to see. I've never had them at my backyard feeders!

A day of unexpected surprises is a great day, indeed!