Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A Jeffrey Pine Full of Life

There are a few trees with a well deserved "Wildlife Tree" plaque. This one has been a home to generations of Acorn Woodpeckers. It's fascinating to see a tree filled with thousands of acorns!
Recently, I discovered a beautiful old Jeffrey Pine tree that deserves one of those plaques. It is a tree suffering drought stress. The needles have turned brown but this majestic tree is still giving life to an abundance of wildlife. Every day that I have visited this tree, it is full of birds probing the vanilla scented bark and squirrels scampering across the thick branches.

Within a 3-4 feet range, we saw the White-headed Woodpecker, Nuttalls' Woodpecker and a couple of Hairy Woodpeckers.
 Along with the Pygmy Nuthatches, White-breasted Nuthatches was the secretive Red-breasted Nuthatch!
 Funny thing about bird watching is that you think YOU are the one doing the watching. In our case, we had a lot of curious cows watching us!
Welcome to Autumn!