Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Forest is Quiet

  During Spring, the air is full of bird songs. Male birds are establishing their breeding territories and perfecting their songs in hopes of finding a mate. Once summer sets in, however, it gets noticeably quieter.
With their goal achieved, parenting begins. Once you start observing the busy parents of demanding chicks, you understand there's no time leftover for singing!

A lot of the time, they don't have just one hungry chick either! They have a branch full of them like these Mountain Bluebirds.
This swallow was fed by a high speed parent who fed the chick "on the wing". By the way it was looking and stretching out of its box, I'm sure it took flight soon after I got the photo.
By far the loudest baby is the Clark's Nutcracker. These birds cannot be overlooked. It  was quite impressive watching the parent flick a seed up into the squawking beak and the hungry chick catching it!
Birds have a lot to accomplish before migration begins once again!