Thursday, November 27, 2014

From Coast to Coast and a Jump to Hawaii - Part 2

The mountains in the southeast are not as tall as those found in the southwest but they have something that is hard to find in the southwest...waterfalls! There's nothing like sitting next to a waterfall watching the path of the water as it cascades down the boulders and rocks.

 Thanks  Beth and Lisa for sharing these colorful photos of the beautiful mountains in the southeast.

Inspiring scenery fills the state of Arizona. These images are from the Grand Canyon, Madeira Canyon and Sedona.
 This idyllic spot is south of Carmel along the Pacific coast. Thanks Karen and Georgann for these absolutely stunning photos from these magnificent places.
This photo is of Reed's Meadow in the San Jacinto Wilderness. It was taken a week before the Mountain Fire of 2013 blazed through this area erasing the life and beauty that existed here. It is a stark reminder to never take loved ones and special places in nature for granted. Thanks, Rick!
Spend time with a little one whenever possible!! They will remind you of the wonders that surround you through their inquisitive nature.
 Be sure to take time to play outside no matter what the weather and keep that adventurous spirit alive!
Nigel and Kristin are masters at it! If you need a kayak instructor or guide to a barrier island, they are the best! Their next destination...Nepal.


Don't forget the ocean is full of magnificent life as well! Thanks Dave for these gorgeous underwater photos of little fish with really big names in Hawaii!
Wishing you all a Thanksgiving full of simple blessings! Thanks to everyone who shared their photos!!

From Sweden to Tanzania - Part 1

 Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate our blessings. We asked our friends and family to share some photos that celebrate the gifts found in nature. We begin overseas.

 Sweden is an absolutely beautiful country. Our friend, Per, shared some of his photos with us for this celebration of Nature blog.
Swedish Hut in Countryside

Swedish Great Spotted Woodpecker
 Swedish Peacock Butterfly

These  beautiful photos were taken by Jan Carl while visiting the island of Mallorca off the coast of Spain. It is a popular place for Swedes and others who discover this sunny, warm destination.

The following photos are from my young, talented friend, Luke who was fortunate to take a trip to Tanzania this summer with his Dad. These are just a few of the amazing photos he shared with me from his incredible trip!
Lilac Roller
Hartlaub's Turaco
Crowned Cranes
Definitely not an average day when a teen elephant crosses the road!
Sunset in the Serengeti. Thanks Luke!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Hiking in the Mountain Wilderness

Views from the mountain trails continue to inspire no matter how many times they are hiked partly because there is always something new to discover.

 Familiar landmarks like Tahquitz Rock look completely different from new angles.
One day this week, the marine layer was extremely thick and extensive. Lake Hemet and Garner Valley disappeared under the blanket completely.

The far reaching views from Tahquitz Peak were replaced with a tumultuous sea of clouds and mountain islands.

 A recent change to the forest in the last couple of weeks has been the arrival of hundreds of Band-tailed Pigeons. Our resident pigeons have been temporarily joined by their relatives from the northwest. Their presence cannot be missed. Even if you don't see them fly overhead, you will hear the sound of their wings and bodies zooming past at top speed.
 The most exciting discovery for me this week has been the sighting of four Lewis's Woodpeckers. It is highly unusual for them to be in our mountains. I couldn't take my eyes off of these beautiful rose-colored birds eating insects and storing acorns.

 The other changes in the wilderness are like changes in forests across the country. Pine cones and acorns are covering the trails and the leaves are changing colors before their final drop to the ground. 
"Nature never disappoints...there is always something new to learn."
~Lisa Hurt

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hiking in a Desert Canyon

Hiking in a desert canyon is a unique experience.

At first glance, all you see are boulders, sand and perhaps, some colorful blooming cactus or other desert plants.
If you are looking for wildlife, however, it takes a lot of patience and good fortune for being at the right spot at the right time.
Our goal on this hike was to see some lizards that live in the desert. With a lot of searching, we were able to see a couple of neat looking lizards. Although the Side-blotched lizard is the most common lizard in the desert, I think he is pretty special with his bluish spots.
We discovered the Zebra-tailed Lizard when it zoomed by us on its back legs at top speed. We didn't realize it was a lizard at first because it appeared to be flying like an insect. It paused long enough for a quick photo.
The Banded Rock Lizard is a master at camouflage as you can see from this photo. We were able to spot him by slight movement as he ventured about on his steep rocks.
 To see Bighorn Sheep on a ridge and then watch them descend from their outcropping is truly spectacular!

We felt quite blessed to see not just one but four of these magnificent animals come off the mountain to eat and drink while we quietly sat on a boulder and watched in awe.
Our encounter with them was brief but our memories will last for a long time. They returned to the ridge after meeting their immediate needs.
 In every walk in Nature one receives far more than he seeks.
- John Muir