Thanks to friends and family, I am able to share photos from the different places we live or have visited during this season. The journey begins in Georgia, travels to the northeast and ends in Sweden.
When bright orange pumpkins of all sizes are lined up on grassy patches for sale, I know Fall has definitely arrived. It continues after the leaves have turned brown and drop from the trees. Big piles are raked for the sheer fun of jumping into them.
If you live along the coast near the marsh, you know the seasons are changing by watching the green marsh grass change from gold to brown.
The Chattahoochee River flows through the state providing a refuge for wildlife and people alike. Numerous paths lining the river fill with hikers, runners and bikers.
Being observant helps you discover unexpected surprises like this tiny, baby box turtle and this enormous Banana spider.
The 2,180 mile Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine begins near Amicalola Falls in the north Georgia mountains.
"Remote for detachment, narrow for chosen company, winding for leisure, lonely for contemplation, it beckons not merely north and south but upward to the body, mind, and soul of man." Harold Allen
The Northeast is a destination in the Fall for many people who want to see a forest filled with colors. The weather is nearly perfect on the east coast during the Fall which makes it a great time to be outdoors whenever possible.
It would be great if we could all follow Nathaniel Hawthorne's ideal -
"I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house. So I have spent almost all the daylight hours in the open air." Nathaniel Hawthorne
Unfortunately, we often take for granted things we commonly see like this Cardinal. When the leaves fall or snow arrives, we are quickly reminded that this bird is quite beautiful and brightens the days until Spring arrives again.
The Magpie is commonly seen in Sweden. I was captivated the first time I saw one.
Anna received a Puffin for her birthday this year. I hope to see one of these cute seabirds one day.It isn't an easy thing to do since they live and breed in colonies on offshore islands or coastal cliffs.

I would have loved to see this moose when it walked across our friend's property in the Swedish countryside.
This final photo from the archipelago in Sweden is the Baltic Sea facing towards Estonia/Finland.
"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike." John Muir
Thanks to Noel, Suzanna, Roger, Per, Jan-Carl, Adam, Nancy and James for their spectacular photographs!